Fulgent Oncology and Inform Diagnostics are pleased to announce several exciting new additions to our Hematology/Oncology test menu. The most significant changes were made to our FISH panels.
Overview of New FISH Panels
MDS Panel – Conventional cytogenetic analysis when successful is sufficiently sensitive in detecting karyotypic abnormalities in MDS and provides adequate information to make clinical decisions. FISH provides little if any additional information to karyotyping. We will perform the basic MDS FISH panel looking for loss/deletions of chromosomes 5 and 7, trisomy 8 and deletion 20q if requested by the client or ordered by the hematopathologist. When Cytogenetics is not possible or deficient (less than 20 cells are obtained) on the bone marrow specimen, or when peripheral blood is received if bone marrow cannot be aspirated, we will perform the basic panel and, as needed, reflex to include KMT2A for deletion/rearrangement of 11q, MECOM for deletion/rearrangement of 3q, RB1/LAMP1 for deletion of 13q and TP53/CEP17 for deletion of TP53. NGS testing will be recommended if further studies are required.
AML Panel – If there is no PML::RARA fusion but RARA shows three signals with the dual color dual fusion probe, reflexing to the RARA break apart probe, will enable us to catch the ~5% of variant translocations involving RARA and help clarify rearrangement of RARA vs. trisomy 17. NGS testing will be recommended if further studies are required.
Eosinophilia Panel – Includes the addition of the JAK2 probe. JAK2 translocations are typically associated with a poor prognosis. Adding the JAK2 probe for detection of JAK2 rearrangements may help in selecting patients eligible for therapy with JAK2 inhibitors.
MPN Panel NEW –Testing will be performed for loss/deletions of chromosomes 5 and 7, trisomy 8, deletions of 9p21, 13q and 20q and t(9;22).
Plasma Cell Myeloma Panel – By creating a base panel with the use of the IGH Break Apart probe and offering reflex testing, unnecessary testing will be avoided. If the IGH Break Apart probe is rearranged, we will reflex to the high-risk translocations, t(4;14), t(14;16), and t(14;20). The t(14;20) probe is a new add-on. The t(11;14), the more common of the PCM associated translocations, will be performed upfront. If the IGH Break Apart probe is not rearranged, and there is a change in number (i.e., three fusion signals or one fusion signal), it will be indicative of trisomy of chromosome 14 or loss of chromosome 14.
Other Additions/Modifications: DLBCL panel, CD5/CD10 Negative Lymphoproliferative panel, Marginal Zone/MALT1 panel for tissues only,and others. Gene names and gene fusion designations have also been updated to reflect the currently used international nomenclature.
If you have any questions, please contact Client Services at 855.856.0656 or send us an email at OncoClientServices@informdx.com.