Quality Assurance

Pathology Quality Assurance Program

Inform Diagnostics is one of the most reliable specialized anatomic pathology laboratories in the market. We are committed to maintaining high standards that give patients peace of mind, and help clinicians focus on building sustainable practices. Through precise lab processes and meticulous, cutting-edge protocols, we provide clinicians, clients and patients with an efficient, dependable and high-quality service.

Quality Assurance

Continuous improvement for optimal patient care

Inform Diagnostics is focused on identifying and implementing ways to continuously improve and modernize our services for optimal patient care.

In 2019, Inform Diagnostics retrospectively reviewed more than 15,750 (or 1.8%) of recently completed cases.

We rely on a rigorous Quality Assurance program to identify and prevent reporting errors and to enhance our diagnostic accuracy. Access to prospective case review, including optional and mandatory second or consensus opinion among expert subspecialized pathologists, and Quality Assurance monitors, such as immediate Random Retrospective Case Review, allow us to reach our mandate of providing our patients with the right diagnosis each and every time.

Quality Metrics

Measuring quality with concordance rates

Our commitment at InformDx is that our advanced subspecialty expertise translates to better patient care via more precise diagnoses and subsequent timely treatment.

To assure that we’re meeting our high standards for Quality Assurance, we measure ourselves against a reliable and unbiased metric for diagnostic pathology: concordance rate with other medical centers.

2019 Inform Diagnostics Concordance Rates for cases re-reviewed at outside medical institutions were:

  • 4,882 reports were received back from outside medical institutions.
  • Diagnostic concordance rate: 99.73% including types B and C disagreements.
  • Diagnostic concordance rate: 99.96% with type C disagreements only.
  • Published literature for this metric ranges from 96.5% to 92.1%.

Accurate Results

Six factors for accurate pathology

Our high-quality pathology services are based on six factors which help our pathologists deliver timely, definitive diagnoses for clinicians: 

  1. Pathologist Experience and Expertise
    Patients benefit from the high number of specimens our tenured subspecialty pathologists see at Inform Diagnostics.
  2. Prospective Case Review (Internal Consultations and Consensus Conference)
    We maximize the collective expertise of our pathology teams through internal reviews and daily consensus conferences. 
  3. Standard Diagnostic Criteria
    Our pathologists have created a huge database of well-codified results which can be used to provide benchmark and quality metrics to you.
  1. Clinicopathologic Correlation
    We maintain extensive industry alliances to correlate clinical and pathological findings and deliver a more precise diagnostic interpretation. 
  2. Confirmatory Ancillary Testing
    We operate several anatomic pathology laboratories and a hematopathology specialized laboratory for the most efficient, highest-quality testing available.
  3. Quality Assurance Program
    Throughout all levels of our organization, we are committed to a robust QA program to assure accurate and reliable reporting of results.

Contact Us

Learn more about Quality Assurance at Inform Diagnostics

Contact us today to learn more about how we maintain high standards of quality for all of our subspecialty anatomic pathology services.