Scientific Publications
Recent publications in Hematology
Read recent articles and publications from our team of hematopathologists. The tenured hematopathologists at Inform Diagnostics include former academicians and have years of extensive training, practice and teaching exclusively in hematopathology.
A Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation of a Rare ider(22q) in a Patient with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
L. Dean, L. White, E. Hayes, K. Webber, T. Zeliadt, E. Kroman, W. L. Flejter, PhD – Inform Diagnostics, AZ Peripheral blood and bone marrow samples from a 70-year-old female…
A Rare (11;22)(q23;q11.2) Translocation in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
K. Horvath, K. Webber, E. Hayes, T. Zeliadt, W.L. Flejter PhD – Inform Diagnostics Life Sciences, Phoenix, AZ We received bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from a 58-year-old year…
Plasma Cell Enrichment: A Valuable Tool to Increase Abnormality Detection Rates in Plasma Cell Disorders by FISH
E. Kroman, L. Scott, Q. Zhao, J. Zhang, T. Golding, M.L. Miller, W.L. Flejter – Inform Diagnostics Cytogenetic analysis of plasma cell disorders (PCD) is difficult owing to their low…
Multicolor Flow Cytometry Detects Monoclonal Plasma Cells in the Vast Majority of Patients with Plasma Cell Disorders Shown to Have Genetic Abnormalities by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Raul Braylan, Karina Baggiani, Tiana Golding, Eric Kroman, Michael L. Miller, and Wendy L. Flejter The flow cytometric analysis is considered an essential tool for the identification of malignant hemopoietic…
The Importance of Lymphoid Stimulation and FISH to Detect Complex Translocations in Oncology
K. Stiner, N. Lee, K. Abdi, L. White, L. Dean, Q. Virgo, W.L. Flejter PhD A bone marrow sample was received from a forty-five year old female with submandibular lymphadenopathy…
What to do about: Low level monoclonal B-lymphocyte populations
In recent years, flow cytometric analysis of the blood and bone marrow has become a standard of practice for the evaluation of patients having hematologic abnormalities, primarily for the identification…
Getting to the point: Somatic point mutations influence the clinical features and survival in myelodysplastic syndromes
According to the National Institutes of Health, the frequency and incidence of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is increasing in the US population and is influenced by factors such as advancing age,…
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH): A Life Threatening Disease Caused by Unregulated Complement Activation
In clinical terms, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is synonymous with glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) deficiency, and is an acquired clonal disorder associated with somatic mutations of the X-linked PIGA gene in hematopoietic…
The Role of Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of PNH
Screening and diagnosis of patients with PNH has improved with the development of flow cytometry.1 Immunophenotypic analysis of GPI-linked antigen expression on red cells and peripheral blood granulocytes by flow…
Plasma Cell Enrichment: Increasing the Detection Rate of Plasma Cell Disorders
Plasma cell enrichment techniques concentrate the overall population of plasma cells, thereby increasing the detection and frequency of abnormalities. Cytogenetic analysis of plasma cell disorders (PCD) is difficult due to…