Scientific Publications

Categorized: Gastroenterology

Rare Presentation of Gastrointestinal Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Danielle Morris, Nicolas Sun, Shawn Kinsey, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Department of Pathology, Jackson Gastro Center LLC, Jackson, MI, Inform Diagnostics Research Institute, Irving, TX

Colorectal lymphomas are rare accounting for <1% of colonic malignancies. The most common types are diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and marginal zone lymphoma. The incidence of colonic mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is rising, likely due to increased screening. MCL is an aggressive disease with frequent extranodal involvement. Colonic involvement is a common manifestation, often presenting as multiple lymphomatous polyposis. Occasional cases of MCL presenting as a dominant ileocecal mass or concurrently with adenocarcinoma are described. A single case is reported of mantle cell detected in a tubular adenoma. However, this patient had concurrent colonic carcinoma. This is the first report of mantle cell lymphoma presenting asymptomatically in a tubular adenoma on a screening colonoscopy.

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